Unrelated Announcement: Check out my new post on Home Goes Strong, “You Don’t Have to Be Jewish to Make Great Chicken Soup”
Oh My Lady Gaga, I’ve met my match! Below is part of an email I just received from a dear old friend, whom I don’t see very often, but who provided one of my most vivid memories, four nights before I was to get married. My soon-to-be husband thought he couldn’t go through with it, so I went to stay with her and her husband. They gave me tons of sympathy and another highlight was the breakfast they served me on these beautiful French plates with little pink rosebuds. The orange juice was in a pitcher of the same pattern. I loved it so much that, once the marriage was still on, I asked friends to give me gifts from that pattern. I no longer have the husband, but I still have everything from egg cups to cappuccino cups, big as bowls.
I know this photo is of a beaded purse and not of an orange juice pitcher, but just picture that pitcher and lovely breakfast table laden with croissants and coffee served on dishes that had this darling, little rosebud pattern.
Here’s what my friend of the rosebud dishes wrote after reading my previous post, “Bedbug Prevention Invention” and my article “Find, Prevent and Deal With Bedbugs”:
We just came home from dinner – restaurant banquette, fabric … then taxi home. immediately went into white kitchen to shake off the possible bbs…I am soooooo crazy! [My son] came home from a trip and I made him strip at the door and put everything in trash bags – and still I am resigned – it’s bound to happen ….
I think the bed bug thing gives you (or me) something very concrete to worry about … instead of all that other stuff (old age, disease, the kids, Iran, global warming, the plastic floating in the ocean, polar bears ….) Are you sure you want to talk to me????
I will be home tomorrow until about 3:00PM (might just go the gym (yuck, wipes, don’t want to use the lockers) so maybe we can talk then.
PS For the “kleenex” type protective idea [same link as above], I was thinking of cutting up drop cloths ….(seriously) for the movies .. a little slippery and hot (I am always hot), but light, disposable, not biodegradable though … a new pop-up business or that paper they use for disposable toilet seats …
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