I’m one of those people who needs to keep everything in sight in sight (not a typo).  I spread papers out on my desk, lest I forget something is there.  Inevitably new layers of fear-of-being-forgotten items appear and cover the old ones, which then get forgotten.  This goes on till infinity.

Similarly, the kitchen table serves as one of my memory banks.  Once when a friend was visiting from out of town, art supplies, newspaper articles, and books related to a piece I was writing were spread out on the kitchen table. I didn’t have time to stash them in a hiding place, so I left everything as it was.

I apologized for the mess, at which she replied, “No need to apologize. It just means you’re a busy, active person with a lot going on.”

She has a gift for reframing a negative into a positive. So now, rather than feeling guilty, I feel proud of the eclectic disarray on the kitchen table.

Let’s also call this another Share-With-A-Friend Day. It would be great if you cheer all of your friends who moan about their own eclectic disarray by sending them the link to this post.

I’d love to hear your ideas for further positive framing of messes . . . and/or for keeping stuff organized!

UNRELATED ANNOUNCEMENT:  My latest post on Home Goes Strong: Create This Fabulous Family Cookbook and Enjoy These Simple Recipes.

Whoa, now I’m worried about all these assignments I’ve suggested.  I better go do something else before I come up with additional ways to promote myself.

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