Beijing and Bicycle Conundrum
It’s a Beijing conundrum because I don’t want to support the stolen bike industry by buying a new, used, probably stolen bike.
It’s a Beijing conundrum because I don’t want to support the stolen bike industry by buying a new, used, probably stolen bike.
Surveys showed that one in twelve listeners believed the story was real and that Martians were invading New Jersey.
This of course led me to one of my common ruminations: What would be the cutoff for retrieving a precious item from a public toilet?
I didn’t see why that was so funny, until they caught their breath and told me . . .
Suddenly a skinny, little girl—of perhaps seven years—broke free from her family and darted in front of my bicycle.
China Baby Last week the daughter of friends in Beijing wrote to me about her baby: My baby is more than four months now. She is very healthy and very happy. Recently, I made haircut for her. In China we cut all the hair from birth, in order to grow better. Generally …
Unrelated announcement: Worried about your waistline over the holidays? See some great diet tips in my new Home Goes Strong post: Stock Your Kitchen to Reduce Your Waistline. When traveling, I experience this pull between what I feel like doing and what I think I ought to be doing. In …