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Dear Susan: I’m a Procrastinator

Dear Susan, I should be working now but instead I’m writing to you. You see, I’m a procrastinator. Please help me stop putting things off! Signed, Puttingthingsoff in Peoria Dear PiP, I’m so glad you asked. I am great at procrastination. Here is one thing I do to procrastinate: I …

Death By Chotchke

I’m drowning in junk, buried in boxes, suffocating with stuff. It doesn’t surprise me that all these metaphors point to an untimely end. There would be great irony in getting snuffed out by my stuff, since one of my biggest worries happens to be that I’ll drop dead and my …


I’m one of those people who needs to keep everything in sight in sight (not a typo).  I spread papers out on my desk, lest I forget something is there.  Inevitably new layers of fear-of-being-forgotten items appear and cover the old ones, which then get forgotten.  This goes on till …


Yesterday, my train back to DC from Philly was two hours late because someone decided to end his or her life outside of Trenton and under the wheels of an Acela on that blue-sky afternoon.  Employees at 30th Street Station were amiably accommodating, responding with smiles to my persistent requests …