Happiness Tip
Did I really become a complacent worrywart because of a Times reader’s tip? If so, how much effort must I devote to the New York Times’s comments sections to solve all my problems?
Did I really become a complacent worrywart because of a Times reader’s tip? If so, how much effort must I devote to the New York Times’s comments sections to solve all my problems?
Is it enough just to entertain? Or do I need to make a point, share a reflection?
Now I have set myself up for failure in two ways:
Dear Susan, I should be working now but instead I’m writing to you. You see, I’m a procrastinator. Please help me stop putting things off! Signed, Puttingthingsoff in Peoria Dear PiP, I’m so glad you asked. I am great at procrastination. Here is one thing I do to procrastinate: I …
Worry is addictive, plain and simple. It hits the same pleasure center of the brain as alcohol and other addictive substances. If you are able to control your intake of other addictive substances, then you can control worry, now that you know how addictive it is.
Yesterday one of my daughters told me, “Dad sounds unhappy with me.” When I asked why, she said because he had left a message on her phone three days earlier and he hadn’t heard back from her. Then she told me, “If you want to reach me, text.” She added, …
Hobogies-add oil, vinegar, soy sauce, wrap in foil and grill Welcome to my periodic series: Antidote to Worry (oh dear, is that now a commitment?), in which I highlight food I ate over the weekend. Consider it a “Worry Break,” as in one of my Tip Day tips. Plus, much …
My first tip today is get a mantra. Many of the things I worry about, I have little or no control over. For instance, what if the power goes off while I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner? Then there’s my preoccupation with how I’ll keep my brain busy and distracted if I’m …
A less worried blogger would not hesitate to announce something like, “Wednesdays will be TIP DAY!” Then every Wednesday, followers could count on getting a tip that offers a way to deal with worry. But imagine what it would do to a worrywart like me if on a Wednesday I couldn’t post …