“Mommy Died Today”
“Mommy died today” and “mum died today” showed up recently alongside other searches that led readers to my blog, searches like “why do they hug at the end of snl” and “my husband is a fuss pot and a worry wart.”
Several times a week, searches, such as “mother died today,” land on my blog because of the post I had written on July 2, 2011, the day my mother died, called “Mother Died Today.”
It’s a helpless feeling to know these daughters and sons must be grieving, and I am unable to offer words of comfort or a hand to hold. That’s why I’m writing this, a condolence note to those whose moms just died.
I hope you find comfort in the love you have had and in treasured memories of your mom.
(Maybe it’s because the trite sayings are true that I find little to say that sounds original.)
Some of my Life Goes Strong articles:
Last Week My Mom Died; This Week I Celebrated Her Life
My Husband’s Final Days At Home & His Burial: Beth’s Story
Make A Hospital Room More Homey Than Home
Divorce, Downsizing, Dating & Death: One Woman’s Story
Organizing Your Affairs Before You Die: Advice From A 29-Year-Old Orphan
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