Worried About Upbeat
Worried about upbeat . . . train of thought . . .
Hm, maybe I’ll write about how much I love January and February because of the way cold weather limits choices. In winter I get to write at my desk without the conflict I feel in fifty-degree weather to choose between indoors and out.
But does this rah rah for winter months raise questions about my worrywart creds? Do my upbeat tendencies discredit my worrywart brand? Will readers put up with the Pollyanna who, despite her (trivial) worries, can’t resist reframing things into positive lessons of The Berenstain Bears variety (like the way I quoted Mama Bear’s cliché about public speaking, “Practice makes perfect,” which probably drove some to unsubscribe)?
And then there is the hierarchy of worry-worthiness. Just yesterday I had this email exchange with a tweep:
Fraudster @fraudster:
Just finished reading @susanorlins #ConfessionsofaWorrywart. An engaging read. But you want anxiety, Susan? I’m anxious & have T1 diabetes!!
susan orlins @susanorlins:
@fraudster Thanks Fraudster! And yes I acknowledge that there is a hierarchy of worry worthiness. Yours top mine. I hope you are okay!
Fraudster @fraudster:
@susanorlins Hi. So pleased to hear from you. Thought my tweet sounded offensive, which I didn’t intend. Loved your book! Cheers.
susan orlins @susanorlins:
@fraudster Aw thanks. You said engaging, so I liked that. Hard to convey quite everything in 140 characters! I’m so glad you loved!
Next thought: My readers will think I’m sharing this twitter thread as a way to hype my book, but they know I don’t require a tweet to hype, though it can’t hurt. Can it?
Confessions of a Worrywart: Husbands, Lovers, Mothers, and Others Check it out on Amazon.com, Kindle, and Smashwords
The perfect book for worrywarts or anyone who enjoys a “neurotic, hilarious, poignant,” deeply personal story.
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