Tip Day or Is it Enough Just to Entertain?
Is it enough just to entertain? (If not, consider this to be Tip Day.)
Now I have set myself up for failure in two ways:
One, if it’s enough to entertain, will you even find this entertaining?
Two, just by asking the question, it sounds like I am suggesting this is the first time ever that I’m posting something without a point. No one would argue that to be true.
I like, perhaps most of all, to be entertained and I have always liked to entertain. I know this because of how I used to amuse high school friends by sticking out my belly, surprising everyone with how large it could be (clothed, of course).
And at sweet sixteens I got a rise out of friends by covering my face with my long hair and belting out the Teresa Brewer hit song, “Let Me Go Lover.” (Let me go-hoh, let me go-hoh, le-et me go lov-ah . . . .)
Part of my pleasure from writing is to entertain (at the very least to entertain myself). To reflect requires greater effort.
This gets me to the point, or lack thereof, of today’s post.

electric toothbrush or skype remote control?
While performing my toilette this morning, I was Skyping with my daughter Eliza, who is in China. The second I turned on my electric toothbrush, Skype dropped the connection.
I tried to Skype her back and when I turned on my toothbrush, the call failed.
She then called me back and I was nearly finished brushing. So as not to lose the call, I immediately turned off my toothbrush and set it down, without rinsing it, to answer the call. Eliza and I chatted a bit more.
When we were ready to hang up, I said, “Let me try to turn off the call with my toothbrush.”
[media-credit id=5 align=”alignright” width=”300″][/media-credit]I aimed the brush at my screen and pushed the on button. Eliza was still there, which I could see through the toothpaste splatter that now dotted my screen.
So my tip is that you cannot turn off Skype with your electric toothbrush, at least not when it’s laden with toothpaste.
Have you made any scientific discoveries lately? If so, please share!
Confessions of a Worrywart: Husbands, Lovers, Mothers, and Others Check it out on Amazon.com, Kindle, and Smashwords
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