Blogging Life: Worried About Long, Trying Short
My daughter Eliza has blasted onto the blogosphere with instant popularity. Regarding the name of her blog, I’ll say only OY, but check it out.
One of many things she has nailed is the length of her posts. They are charming snapshots and observations of her new life in Beijing.
I, on the other hand, can ponder a strand of hair for pages.
So I thought today I would try a shortie, though it’s not anything like hers; it’s more like a tweet that I am trying to milk as a whole blog post.
And, just look at me, I totally intended to write one sentence. I talk this way too and I think it drives some people crazy that I take forever to get to the point and somewhere on the path to the point I forget what the point is.
What I set out to write today was a worrywart trait I noticed in myself and if you do this too, then you can be sure that, like me, you are a worrywart:
When the car’s gas tank gets down to a quarter full, I begin to worry that if there is a terrorist attack, I won’t get very far in my car, so I then make haste to a gas station.
If I were not trying to make this a short post I would observe how nary a day goes by that I don’t worry about what to do in the event of a terrorist attack, the kind in which you need to get out of town.
I ponder the best routes and how would I get around the traffic from all the other Washington refugees. I know which neighbors would not open their car doors to me and Casey, who quivers and drools with terror itself when he is in a car. I will risk my life to get to my daughter Emily. Maybe I would bike with Casey bunjeed to the basket. Would we even survive outdoors on a bike?
What safety measures have you taken in anticipation of chemical or biological attack (and can someone give me a way to remember the difference between the two?)?
Check out some of my Life Goes Strong posts:
*A Woman Talks About Sex From Her 20′s To Her 60′s (fascinating and relatable)
*Survivor Contestants’ Photos at NYC Viewing party; Q and A With 2-Time Player, Eliza Orlins
*Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby
*Are You Having Less Sex Than You Think You Should? One Woman’s Story
*Hipster Dog Names and Quirky Dog Photos
*Joyce Maynard Adopted Two Girls From Ethiopia Then Gave Them Up
*Living Together: Men Speak Out With Advice About Sex and More
*Living Together: Relationship Tips
*Family Vacation With My Ex & Daughters
*The Funeral: A Widow With Cancer Plans For The Future
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